Monday 11 April 2011

Inspiration and ideas ...

Project Water Field is a personal project i'd like to bring to life.

I'm really keen to create an interactive experience or what most describe as a video game; personally i don't feel this is a fitting term for what i have in mind. What i have in mind is something similar to Riven, and personally i never thought of Riven as a game any more than one might describe an adventure book as a game. Riven, for me was about the experience of exploring a believable environment and feeling submerged in that world. While exploring that world i had little interest in progressing to the end, i simply wanted to walk around and play with stuff, stuff that didn't immediately work or do anything, but made you feel they once had a purpose and as you explored further, you began to see how these devices were connected and were functional. Given Riven was probably the single most inspiring piece of media i've encountered, in both film and game, you will likely notice a footprint of inspiration throughout the development of this. All that said, it will be very different to Riven too. I want to challenge myself and try and add in a character that moves around and interacts with the environment. Something similar to the adventure game Lost Horizons.

The feel of Project Water Field will be similar in realism and tone as Riven. In Riven, i really loved the contrast between hot and cool areas, i really want to convey this same feeling.

Anyway, that's a little about this project. Let's see how far i can get with this.

Dave out.

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